Top "Material-components" questions

Modular and customizable Material Design UI components.

Round corner for BottomSheetDialogFragment

i have an custom BttomSheetDialogFragment and i want to have round corners in top of Bottom View this is my …

android material-design bottom-sheet material-components-android material-components
bottomSheetDialogFragment full screen

What I'm trying to achieve is something like Instagram in-app web browser, used when you click an ad: what I …

android material-design bottom-sheet material-components-android material-components
How to change android button text color globally in theme

How can I change all my buttons text color? I know I can set the background color like follows : <…

android material-design android-button material-components material-components-android
Material design Spinner using TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox styling

I am currently using Material Design TextInputLayout OutlinedBox as shown below: < style="@style/Widget.…

android material-design android-textinputlayout material-components-android material-components
Change font of the floating label EditText and TextInputLayout

Someone tried to change the font of the floating label? I changed the source of EditText but the font of …

android android-edittext android-design-library android-textinputlayout material-components
Can't change background color on MaterialButton without change colorAccent

Android Studio 3.2.1 Here my layout: < android:id="@+id/bittrexJsonViewButton" android:layout_width="0dp" …

android material-design android-button material-components-android material-components
Material Components for the Web vs Angular Material 2

Recently, the successor to MDL (Material Design Lite) project was launched as Material Components for the Web. One of its …

material-design angular-material2 material-components
Android material chip component crashing app. Unable to inflate xml

Tried Chip component from both support library and material…

android android-support-library material-components android-chips material-components-android
How to add chips from Material Components library to input field in android?

I've seen that in android-P google add new material components library which contains material chips: Material components for android Material.…

android material-design material-components-android material-components android-chips