Top "Android-chips" questions

Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action.

Chips component in android support library?

This material design show case says about chips component. But I couldn't find example code of this component? How can …

android material-design android-chips
Set selected color

How do I set the selected color? I don't want it to be the …

android material-design material-components-android android-chips
Android material chip component crashing app. Unable to inflate xml

Tried Chip component from both support library and material…

android android-support-library material-components android-chips material-components-android
How to add chips from Material Components library to input field in android?

I've seen that in android-P google add new material components library which contains material chips: Material components for android Material.…

android material-design material-components-android material-components android-chips
Chip Group OnCheckedChangeListener() not triggered

I'm trying to make a recyclerview filter based ChipGroup & Chip I'm use fragment on my app, so, the fragment …

android android-chips
Android material chips

I want to implement an autocomplete edittext with chips in my application and I want to do it in a …

android material-design android-design-library material-components-android android-chips
How can I add the new android chips dynamically in Android?

I have a class called Question which contains a String array of tags. I'm trying to show every question in …

android kotlin android-chips
Android Chip Custom Height Or Padding - Chipgroup spacing

Is there a way to change default material Chip vertical padding or height? From the docs I see there surely …

android material-design material-components-android material-components android-chips
ChipGroup single selection

How can I force a ChipGroup to act like a RadioGroup as in having at least one selected item always? …

android material-components material-components-android android-chips
Android Chip inflation causes "Invalid ID 0x00000000."

After moving to android-x I noticed that there are plenty of logs saying: "E/itterforandroi: Invalid ID 0x00000000." I manage …

android android-chips