Top "Android-chips" questions

Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action.

How to create a wrap with ChoiceChip with custom labels in Flutter

I'm learning flutter but there are some things that I cannot find anywhere. For example, I want to make a …

flutter choice android-chips
Change Chip Widget style programmatically not working - Android

I'm doing a list with Chips. I want this chips can be selected, so, taking a look to https://material.…

android kotlin material-components material-components-android android-chips
Set background color of the material chip programmatically

Chip chip = new Chip(context); chip.setBackgroundcolor(getResources().getColor(; The above line gives the error: java.lang.…

android material-components-android android-chips
How to use Chips component from android support library?

I have read the documentation on the official website. But I was unable to implement Chip in my project following …

android material-design android-chips
Dynamically create Choice Chip in android

I am using Material Components for creating the Choice chip. I have followed …

android material-components-android material-components android-chips
Android how to center align chips in chipgroup?

I tried gravity="center" , foregroundGravity="center" and textAlignment="center" for ChipGroup in the XML file but it won't work. Any …

android android-layout android-chips
How to get selected chips from ChipGroup?

I search a lot on internet but couldn't find the exact solution. Here is the link that i last tried …

java android material-components-android material-components android-chips
Adding horizontal scrolling to chip group in Relative layout

I created few static chips in a group. I'm using this link ( as …

android material-design androidx android-chips
Dynamically add chips to chipgroup

I'm trying to add several chips to the chip group dynamically. The first one appears fine but others do not …

java android xml android-layout android-chips