Error text in TextInputLayout is covered by keyboard

Franzaine picture Franzaine · Jun 25, 2015 · Viewed 7.7k times · Source

The TextInputLayout contains an EditText which in turn receives the input from the user. With TextInputLayout introduced with the Android Design Support Library we're supposed to set the error to the TextInputLayout holding the EditText rather than the EditText itself. When writing the UI will be focused on only the EditText and not the whole TextInputLayout which can lead to the keyboard covering the error. In the following GIF notice that the user has to remove the keyboard first to see the error message. This in combination with setting IME actions to move on using the keyboard leads to really confusing results.

example error

Layout xml code:




Java code setting the error to the TextInputLayout:

uidTextInputLayout.setError("Incorrect cardnumber");

How can I make sure the error message is visible without the user acting to see it? Is it possible to move the focus?


arekolek picture arekolek · Aug 3, 2017

To make sure the error message is visible without the user acting to see it, I subclassed TextInputLayout and placed it inside a ScrollView. This lets me scroll down if needed to reveal the error message, on every occasion the error message is set. There are no changes needed in the activity/fragment class that uses it.

enter image description here

import androidx.core.view.postDelayed

 * [TextInputLayout] subclass that handles error messages properly.
class SmartTextInputLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(
        context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : TextInputLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {

    private val scrollView by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
        findParentOfType<ScrollView>() ?: findParentOfType<NestedScrollView>()

    private fun scrollIfNeeded() {
        // Wait a bit (like 10 frames) for other UI changes to happen
        scrollView?.postDelayed(160) {

    override fun setError(value: CharSequence?) {
        val changed = error != value


        // work around
        if (value == null) isErrorEnabled = false

        // work around
        if (changed) scrollIfNeeded()

Here are the helper methods:

 * Find the closest ancestor of the given type.
inline fun <reified T> View.findParentOfType(): T? {
    var p = parent
    while (p != null && p !is T) p = p.parent
    return p as T?

 * Scroll down the minimum needed amount to show [descendant] in full. More
 * precisely, reveal its bottom.
fun ViewGroup.scrollDownTo(descendant: View) {
    // Could use smoothScrollBy, but it sometimes over-scrolled a lot
    howFarDownIs(descendant)?.let { scrollBy(0, it) }

 * Calculate how many pixels below the visible portion of this [ViewGroup] is the
 * bottom of [descendant].
 * In other words, how much you need to scroll down, to make [descendant]'s bottom
 * visible.
fun ViewGroup.howFarDownIs(descendant: View): Int? {
    val bottom = Rect().also {
        // See
        offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(descendant, it)
    return (bottom - height - scrollY).takeIf { it > 0 }

I also fixed TextInputLayout.setError() leaves empty space after clearing the error in the same class.