Top "Android-textinputlayout" questions

Layout which wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the user inputting text.

How to disable padding on TextInputLayout?

There appears to be left padding automatically added when using a TextInputLayout to wrap an EditText as you can see …

android android-layout material-design android-textinputlayout
Remove underline from TextInputEditText

I have an android screen which takes email from the user. Below is the snippet of the code, I want …

android android-textinputlayout android-textinputedittext
TextInputLayout and AutoCompleteTextView

I'm using TextInputLayout in my Android app to achieve that neat floating label effect for my input fields. I know …

android autocomplete android-edittext autocompletetextview android-textinputlayout
Android TextInputLayout Password toggle not visible in new support library

I have compiled with following design library and it is displaying password HIDE/SHOW button at the right of EditText …

android android-edittext android-textinputlayout android-textinputedittext
Android - reduce EditText floating label padding/margin?

Is it possible to have those floating label (Email/Password) to be inside the box. Basically reduce the space in …

android android-layout android-edittext android-textinputlayout
There is always a default background on TextInputLayout in Android

I have TextInputLayout and TextInputEditText like this < android:id="@+id/loginUsernameText" android:layout_…

android android-layout android-textinputlayout android-textinputedittext
Change color of mask password selector

As you can see in the picture I have a android app with a black background and white text. However …

android android-textinputlayout android-color
TextInputLayout's errorview is not removed when removing error message

I have a vertical linear layout with some input fields. Using TextInputLayout I get a nice flow with labels and …

android android-design-library android-textinputlayout
Center hint and EditText vertically in TextInputLayout

I am using a TextInputLayout to show a hint but I am not able to center it vertically. I always …

android android-edittext android-textinputlayout android-gravity
How to get text from material design TextInputLayout correctly?

I want to get text from the material design's TextInputLayout using a custom end Icon. I tried to do that: …

android material-design android-textinputlayout android-textinputedittext