Top "Android-textinputlayout" questions

Layout which wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the user inputting text.

AutoCompleteTextView float hint

I've tried a lot, but can't make work an AutoCompleteTextView float hint using the TextInputLayout from support. It's possible or …

android material-design android-support-library autocompletetextview android-textinputlayout
How to customize TextInputLayout when using a Material Design Theme?

I want to customize TextInputLayout's error text color. My app theme is based on one of the MaterialComponents themes namely …

android material-design android-textinputlayout material-components material-components-android
TextInputLayout not showing when View added programmatically

I noticed some strange behaviour of TextInputLayout: When I add the following to my layout: <…

android android-layout android-textinputlayout