Top "Android-arrayadapter" questions

A concrete BaseAdapter that is backed by an array of arbitrary objects.

notifyDataSetChanged example

I'm trying to use in my Android Application the notifyDataSetChanged() method for an ArrayAdapter but it doesn't work for me. …

android android-arrayadapter notifydatasetchanged
What is "android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1"?

I've started learning Android development and am following a todolist example from a book: // Create the array list of to …

android layout android-arrayadapter
ArrayAdapter in android to create simple listview

I tried to create an Activity in Android, This Activity only contains a ListView nothing else. As I know to …

android listview android-arrayadapter
"ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView" xml problems

I am getting an error when trying to set my view to display the ListView for the file I want …

android xml android-arrayadapter
How can I update a single row in a ListView?

I have a ListView which displays news items. They contain an image, a title and some text. The image is …

android android-listview android-arrayadapter
OnItemClickListener using ArrayAdapter for ListView

I want to have an OnItemClickListener for a ListView I create using an ArrayAdapter This is the code I use …

android listview onclick android-arrayadapter onitemclicklistener
Android custom Row Item for ListView

I have a ListView that should have the following layout in its rows: HEADER Text HEADER should be static but …

java android android-layout android-listview android-arrayadapter
Android ListView headers

I have ListView that has some kind of events on it. Events are sorted by day, and I would like …

java android listview header android-arrayadapter
android listview item height

Why when i use SimpleCursorAdapter for ListView i have items height in ListView like this - (My code based on …

android listview row android-arrayadapter simplecursoradapter
How does the getView() method work when creating your own custom adapter?

My questions are: What is exactly the function of the LayoutInflater? Why do all the articles that I've read check …

android android-arrayadapter android-view layout-inflater