Top "Autocompletetextview" questions

AutoCompleteTextView is an Android widget that automatically shows complete suggestions as the user types.

How to create custom BaseAdapter for AutoCompleteTextView

I've been having difficulty creating a custom ArrayAdapter for AutoCompleteTextView such errors that would come up despite following code found …

android android-arrayadapter baseadapter autocompletetextview
AutoCompleteTextView detect when selected entry from list edited by user

I have an AutoCompleteTextView I use to select an item from a long list. The user should only be able …

android list autocompletetextview onitemclicklistener onkeydown
autocompletetextview setonitemselectedlistener not working

there i am trying to write code for authorisation activity. When i am putting some entry in inputEmail i expect …

android autocompletetextview onitemclicklistener
Converting an ArrayAdapter to CursorAdapter for use in a SearchView

How can I convert an ArrayAdapter<String> of static data into a CursorAdapter for using Suggestion Listener in …

android android-actionbar simplecursoradapter autocompletetextview android-cursoradapter
AutoCompleteTextview Color set white by default

I used an AutoCompleteTextView in my android app and it is working correctly. The only problem I am facing is …

android colors autocompletetextview
Autocomplete textview google places api

I followed this tutorial for doing the autocomplete textview using google places api. I want an autocomplete textview that automatically …

java android google-places-api autocompletetextview
Combine Spinner and AutoCompleteTextView

I am asking myself if it is possible, to combine a Spinner and a AutoCompleteTextView. Basically I want an AutoCompleteTextView, …

android android-spinner autocompletetextview
How to get the index of the Text selected in an AutoCompleteTextView

AutoCompleteTextView mActv = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewbyId(; ArrayAdapter<String> AutoCompleteAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.…

android autocompletetextview
Disable Android AutoCompleteTextView after user selects item from drop down

I'm using Android's AutoCompleteTextView with a CursorAdapter to add autocomplete to an app. In the view's onItemClickListener() (i.e. when …

android user-interface autocomplete autocompletetextview
AutocompleteTextView suggestion list goes up

possible duplicates Android : autocompletetextview, suggestion list displays above the textview? I am fully trying to display suggestion list overlapping on …

android autocompletetextview