Top "Android-cursoradapter" questions

CursorAdapter is an Android Adapter class which exposes data from a Cursor to an AdapterView.

Cursor adapter and sqlite example

Hello I am looking for sample code in which cursor adapter is used with sqlite?

android database sqlite android-layout android-cursoradapter
What bindView() and newView() do in CursorAdapter

I have a custom CursorAdaptor in my project with overridden methods bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) and newView(…

android android-cursoradapter
Listview with CursorAdapter

I'm developing an application which displays Phone contacts with CursorAdapter. When I run it, I faced with a list view …

android listview android-cursoradapter
Converting an ArrayAdapter to CursorAdapter for use in a SearchView

How can I convert an ArrayAdapter<String> of static data into a CursorAdapter for using Suggestion Listener in …

android android-actionbar simplecursoradapter autocompletetextview android-cursoradapter
Android: how to use CursorAdapter?

I have a database, a ListView, and a CustomCursorAdapter that extends CursorAdapter. A menu button adds an item to the …

android android-cursoradapter
how to refresh the listView using the Cursor Adapter

I have created a ListView using CursorAdapter . Now I am Trying to update the ListView and Refresh the value to …

android listview android-listview simplecursoradapter android-cursoradapter
CursorAdapter bindView optimization

When overriding ArrayAdapter I know is correct using a pattern like this: if(view != null){ ...create new view setting fields …

android android-cursoradapter android-adapter
cursoradapter with different row layouts

I'm trying to create a custom cursoradapter that will use two different layouts depending on some data in the cursor. …

android listview android-cursoradapter
Android app force closes when setting a CursorAdapter

I am following a video tutorial on from here Everything has gone well up until messing with SQL. …

android nullpointerexception simplecursoradapter android-cursoradapter
Creating custom simple cursor adapter

I want to create a very simple cursor custom cursor adapter to facilitate changing the colors of row items on …

android android-listview simplecursoradapter android-cursoradapter android-listfragment