Top "Autocompletetextview" questions

AutoCompleteTextView is an Android widget that automatically shows complete suggestions as the user types.

Android - searchview with auto complete feature inside action bar

I want to build an app that has sherlock action bar and a search view inside it. However, i want …

android actionbarsherlock autocompletetextview searchview
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader

So I am having trouble extending the MultiAutoCompleteTextView and backing it with a CursorLoader, while simultaneously using a custom Tokenizer. …

android autocompletetextview stringtokenizer android-cursorloader
How do I use publishResults() method when extending Filters in Android?

I'm working on an autocompletetextview that will work off of a key value system, and am trying to find out …

android filter autocompletetextview
Android : autocompletetextview, suggestion list displays above the textview?

did one of you ever run into that problem ? With some high resolutions screen it displays correctly : but the low …

android android-layout android-manifest autocompletetextview
Scrolling drop-down-menu over the keyboard in autocompletetextview

I have an Autocompletetextview dropping down the suggestions list, up to the border of the soft-keyboard. Then, when scrolling over …

android drop-down-menu autocompletetextview
AutoCompleteTextView item selection programmatically

I have an autocomplete text view that is filled with cities from an sqlite database that calls an async task …

android adapter autocompletetextview
Change AutoCompleteTextView filter from "startsWith" to "Contains"?

I would like to change the default filtering in AutoCompleteTextView. The default filtering finds all strings that startsWith the given …

android autocompletetextview
android AutoCompleteTextView white on white Dropdown list

breaking my head here, i have searched online for quite a bit and it seems this was a bug on …

android drop-down-menu android-widget widget autocompletetextview
How to change text size in places autocompletefragment in android?

I am using the PlaceAutocompleteFragment that is provided by google in a project that I am working on right now. …

android textview google-places-api autocompletetextview
how to get id of selected item in autocompletetextview in android

I am retrieving values from server for autocompletetextview, I am getting the list of user names along with their user …

android autocompletetextview