Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science and technology that studies the development of machines able to simulate aspects of human intelligence.
I found a lot of references to the AI of the ghosts in Pacman, but none of them mentioned how …
artificial-intelligence path-finding heuristics pacmanCan you explain me how to build the tree? I quite understood how the nodes are chosen, but a nicer …
java tree artificial-intelligence montecarloI am looking for code in java that implement DFS and BFS for the 8-puzzle game by given initial state : 1 2 3 8 0 4 7 6 5 …
java artificial-intelligence depth-first-search sliding-tile-puzzle state-spaceI'm looking to do some sentence analysis (mostly for twitter apps) and infer some general characteristics. Are there any good …
ruby artificial-intelligence nlpSuppose I have 10 points. I know the distance between each point. I need to find the shortest possible route passing …
algorithm artificial-intelligence path shortest-pathI am still a beginner but I want to write a character-recognition-program. This program isn't ready yet. And I edited …
python arrays artificial-intelligence ocrI'm working on an AI for a game and I want to use the MinMax algorithm with the Alpha-Beta pruning. …
java algorithm artificial-intelligence alpha-beta-pruning minmaxWikipedia says on A* complexity the following (link here): More problematic than its time complexity is A*’s memory usage. …
algorithm artificial-intelligence graph complexity-theory a-starAfter implementing Pacman and Snake I'm implementing the next very very classic game: Pong. The implementation is really simple, but …
algorithm artificial-intelligence pongI have a question about the beam search algorithm. Let's say that n = 2 (the number of nodes we are going …
algorithm search artificial-intelligence beam-search