Top "Sliding-tile-puzzle" questions

For algorithm or programming questions about sliding puzzles (such as the 8-puzzle or 15-puzzle), where the player is challenged to slide randomized, numbered tiles along certain routes on a board in order to arrive at a certain end configuration.

What can be the efficient approach to solve the 8 puzzle problem?

The 8-puzzle is a square board with 9 positions, filled by 8 numbered tiles and one gap. At any point, a tile …

algorithm logic puzzle a-star sliding-tile-puzzle
Manhattan distance in A*

I am implementing a NxN puzzle solver using A* search algorithm and using Manhattan distance as a heuristic and I've …

java artificial-intelligence a-star sliding-tile-puzzle
How many possible states does the 8-puzzle have?

The classical 8-puzzle belongs to the family of sliding blocks. My book (Artificial intelligence A modern approach by Stuart Russell …

algorithm artificial-intelligence sliding-tile-puzzle
Solving 8-Puzzle using DFS

I am looking for code in java that implement DFS and BFS for the 8-puzzle game by given initial state : 1 2 3 8 0 4 7 6 5 …

java artificial-intelligence depth-first-search sliding-tile-puzzle state-space
8 puzzle: Solvability and shortest solution

I have built a 8 puzzle solver using Breadth First Search. I would now want to modify the code to use …

java algorithm artificial-intelligence sliding-tile-puzzle
n-puzzle solving with A* algorithm using C++

I am implementing A* algorithm in C++ to solve the n-puzzle problem. I tried to implement the pseudocode in this …

c++ heuristics a-star sliding-tile-puzzle
Check if 15 puzzle is solvable

I'm trying to test whether a 15 puzzle is solvable. I wrote a method which is working for most puzzles, but …

java sliding-tile-puzzle
Solving 8 puzzle with Best-First Search in Prolog

as the title says, I have to make a prolog progam that solves the 8 puzzle using best-first search, I'm new …

function search prolog heuristics sliding-tile-puzzle
Solving 8-puzzle game using DFS

I am trying to solve the 8-puzzle problem with DFS starting from this code implemented with BFS. What is the …

java breadth-first-search depth-first-search sliding-tile-puzzle
8-puzzle has a solution in prolog using manhattan distance

The 8-puzzle will be represented by a 3x3 list of lists positions where the empty box will be represented by …

prolog knowledge-management sliding-tile-puzzle