Top "Minmax" questions

This tag apparently is used as a synonym for "minimax", which seems more appropriate and is better maintained; I would suggest introduction of a tag synonym.

Min and Max of a List in Python (without using min/max function)

I was wondering if there is a way to find min & max of a list without using min/max …

python algorithm minmax
Finding the best move using MinMax with Alpha-Beta pruning

I'm working on an AI for a game and I want to use the MinMax algorithm with the Alpha-Beta pruning. …

java algorithm artificial-intelligence alpha-beta-pruning minmax
Othello evaluation function

I am currently developing a simple AI for othello using min-max and Alpha-beta pruning. My question is related to the …

algorithm minmax reversi alpha-beta-pruning
Alpha-beta prunning with transposition table, iterative deepening

I'm trying to implement alpha-beta min-max prunning enhanced with transposition tables. I use this pseudocode as reference: http://people.csail.…

algorithm artificial-intelligence chess alpha-beta-pruning minmax
Get the element in the array with the max value of a property using jQuery

I have an array of a custom JavaScript object which has a property named order. I have an array of …

javascript jquery arrays minmax
How to create an evaluation function for a TIC-TAC-TOE variant game

I'm actually working on a board game which is a variant of the TIC-TAC-TOE game. The specifics of the game …

artificial-intelligence minmax evaluation-function
MATLAB - minmax() function

I have downloaded a code which involves a minmax() function, the backbone of the code is shown below: A = [13 5; 13, 13; 23, 26]; B = [13, 6; 13. 6; 5, 26]; …

matlab matrix max minimum minmax
denormalize data

I normalized data with the minimum and maximum with this R code: normalize <- function(x) { return ((x - …

r normalization denormalization minmax