Top "Android-toolbar" questions

A Toolbar is a widget based generalization of action bars for use within layouts.

AppCompat style background propagated to the Image within the ToolBar

Context I'm using the newest AppCompat v7 lib (21.0.0) and I have migrated my app from ActionBar to ToolBar Problem Images …

android android-appcompat android-toolbar
Disable hamburger to back arrow animation on Toolbar

It's very easy to implement Toolbar with hamburger to back arrow animation. In my opinion this animation is pointless because …

android material-design android-toolbar
ANDROID: Error inflating class

I added a toolbar to my layout and now I get this error when running: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to …

android android-toolbar android-appbarlayout androidx
How can I place a ProgressBar at the right of the Toolbar?

With the new Lollipop API, we have to use a Toolbar if we want to personalize the action bar aspect. …

android android-layout android-5.0-lollipop material-design android-toolbar
Error: Unable to resolve module `@react-native-community/toolbar-android`

Weirdly, the react-native-vector-icons was working well but by using ^ ("^6.6.0") for its version in the package.json file on the new …

javascript reactjs react-native android-toolbar react-native-vector-icons
Remove margin in android toolbar icon

I get this weird margin in my app toolbar between icon and navigation icon in the toolbar (as in the …

android android-toolbar margins
Change TextColor in SearchView using Android Toolbar

I have the following problem. I've setup my Actionbar to use a Toolbar instead using the API 21 with the appcompat-v7:21. …

android searchview android-toolbar
Tool bar setNavigationOnClickListener breaks ActionbarDrawerToggle functionality

I'm swapping out the action bar for the tool bar, and I nearly have every piece of the puzzle in …

android android-toolbar android-navigation
Show view when toolbar collapses

I have an activity with a CoordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar. So, basically, a view that collapses when scrolling a …

android android-toolbar android-coordinatorlayout android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
Toolbar with SearchView temporary filtering RecyclerView

I need to implement search functionality inside my android app which uses toolbar, SlidingTabLayout and ViewPager that holds fragments. Inside …

android-fragments searchview android-recyclerview android-toolbar