Top "Android-toolbar" questions

A Toolbar is a widget based generalization of action bars for use within layouts.

How to customize the Action Bar subtitle Font?

I have created an ActionBar ( as below. < xmlns:android="…

android android-actionbar-compat android-toolbar android-appcompat
Inflating AppBarLayout with Toolbar + TabLayout

I currently have a DrawerLayout in my main.xml. There's a Toolbar wrapped in an AppBarLayout, and then a simple …

android android-layout android-fragments android-toolbar android-tablayout
Extended Toolbar with Custom View not Displaying with Full Width

I went through lots of answers here related to Toolbar but none of the answers could help me. What I'm …

android android-layout android-custom-view android-toolbar android-actionbaractivity
How can I use VectorDrawable with the Android Toolbar?

What is the proper method to use the new VectorDrawable in the toolbar? I tried to use the app:srcCompat …

android android-toolbar android-vectordrawable
Remove elevation shadow without removing elevation itself

Is there a way for AppBarLayout to no drop shadow and keep its elevation? < …

android android-toolbar shadow android-appbarlayout android-elevation
Missing Up navigation icon after switching from ICS ActionBar to Lollipop Toolbar

I have an activity with many fragments that uses action bar and navigation drawer. It has "home as up" enabled. …

android android-ui android-5.0-lollipop android-actionbar-compat android-toolbar
requestLayout() improperly called

I'm getting this warning spammed in my console. The only info I can find is most people get it when …

android android-view android-support-library android-toolbar android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
Add badge counter to hamburger navigation menu icon in Android

My question is the same as this question (which is not a duplicate of this question). The only answer to …

android android-toolbar badge navigation-drawer android-navigationview
Toolbar scrolling under status bar

I am trying to learn CoordinatorLayout and its features. I have used it in conjunction with AppBarLayout. My xml is …

android android-toolbar android-coordinatorlayout android-appbarlayout
Transparent action bar and status bar like Uber

I've done a few researches on this topic but I couldn't found some solution for my App/ Activity. I have …

java android android-actionbar android-toolbar android-statusbar