Top "Android-toolbar" questions

A Toolbar is a widget based generalization of action bars for use within layouts.

android:layout_height="?attr/actionBarSize" is not working with support:design:23.0.0' library

If I set android:layout_height="56dp", I can see the toolbar in graphical layout. But when I set like …

android android-toolbar android-design-library android-appcompat
Translucent status bar and toolbar

I'd like to integrate something like this: And I've done it like this, but I can't seem to put the …

android android-layout material-design android-toolbar android-statusbar
Appcompat Toolbar Not Showing With Navigation Drawer

I am trying to configure the following in my app: Toolbar (Appcompat v7 version) Navigation Drawer Pre-Lollipop Appcompat v7 Material …

android navigation-drawer android-5.0-lollipop android-appcompat android-toolbar
Android Support Toolbar colorControlNormal color

I would like to set my spinner drop down color to white, whilst keeping the other elements in my theme …

android android-actionbar android-5.0-lollipop android-actionbar-compat android-toolbar
Android: How to/Tutorial for changing ActionBar to ActionBarCompat (Toolbar)?

I've been stuck on this, checked the official guidance, etc. Any tutorials/what are the steps to change from ActionBar …

android android-actionbar toolbar android-actionbar-compat android-toolbar
Prevent CollapsingToolbarLayout collapse if not needed

Using: compile '' compile '' compile '' compile …

android android-support-library android-toolbar android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
CollapsingToolbarLayout setTitle() does not update unless collapsed

With the new Design Library, we're supposed to set the toolbar title on the CollapsingToolbarLayout, not the Toolbar itself(at …

android material-design android-toolbar android-design-library android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
what is exact difference between appbar, toolbar, actionbar ? and when to use them specifically?

what is exact difference between appbar, Toolbar, Actionbar? and when to use them specifically? I try to find about them …

android android-actionbar android-toolbar android-appbarlayout
Toolbar.inflateMenu seems to do nothing

Im currently messing arround with the new AppCompat library bringing material design to older devices. Setting a toolbar as actionbar …

android android-appcompat material-design android-toolbar
Display content under toolbar

Hello I'm attempting to simply put my content below the toolbar but at the moment when I run my application …

android xml android-layout toolbar android-toolbar