A Toolbar is a widget based generalization of action bars for use within layouts.
I have a list that looks like google play in a recyclerview with cardview, and works perfect. I need to …
android android-recyclerview material-design android-toolbar android-cardviewI am using a toolbar from v7.widget.Toolbar support library and v7.app.ActionBarActivity. When the onCreateOptionsMenu is inflated …
android android-toolbar android-actionbaractivityI tried to find an answer for myself but couldn't find it. I need make badge on the MenuItem icon …
android android-toolbar badgeWith Google’s recent release of the Design Support Library several cool new views have been introduced. Using some of …
android android-toolbar android-appbarlayoutI have an android.support.v7.widget Toolbar in my Android app. The background color of this is bright orange …
java android android-layout android-view android-toolbarIs there any way to change the left margin of the Navigation icon and the right margin of the Action …
android android-actionbar android-optionsmenu android-toolbarI want to achieve something like that. (not the FAB or the Snackbar). How can i create a layout, overlaying …
android android-layout material-design android-toolbar android-coordinatorlayoutI asked a similar question here... I got some tutorials in the answers. But this question is diffrenet. because none …
android android-layout android-toolbar android-menuI am trying to develop an activity with a toolbar (the example is more or less taken from a tutorial), …
android android-layout toolbar android-toolbarI'm trying to get the toolbar to collapse on scroll when a recyclerview inside a fragment is scrolled. To start, …
android android-layout android-toolbar android-coordinatorlayout android-appbarlayout