Top "Android-toolbar" questions

A Toolbar is a widget based generalization of action bars for use within layouts.

ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling$SavedState

I am seeing the following error in my Android crash reports: android.os.BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling:…

android android-toolbar android-appcompat android-savedstate
Toolbar is hidden in nested PreferenceScreen

I use PreferenceFragment in ActionBarActivity from support-v7 library. In the Activity I have Toolbar. Everything goes okay, until I open …

android android-preferences android-support-library android-toolbar preferencefragment
No Such Method Error On v7 Toolbar

What is very strange about this issue is that when I was working on my app, everything was good as …

xml android-toolbar nosuchmethoderror
ViewPager with Toolbar and TabLayout has wrong height

I have a ViewPager below an AppBarLayout (with a Toolbar and a TabLayout). I cannot understand why the height of …

android android-viewpager android-toolbar android-tablayout