Top "Android-toolbar" questions

A Toolbar is a widget based generalization of action bars for use within layouts.

Tint Navigation Icon in Toolbar

How to tint menu icons is already covered a few times, like here: Toolbar icon tinting on Android Additionally to …

android icons android-toolbar tint
AppCompat v7 Toolbar Up/Back Arrow Not Working

I have two fragments in an activity. When fragment A is showing, I want the navigation drawer burger icon to …

android android-fragments android-actionbar android-actionbaractivity android-toolbar
( Toolbar ) findViewById( ) return NULL

Yesterday I encountered a problem - findViewById( ) return NULL for my toolbar. I was looking all around through the interner …

android android-toolbar findviewbyid
Add back button to Toolbar for all Fragments other than Home Fragment which opens Navigation Drawer

When my application is opened Home screen is shown first.On Home screen I have NavigationDrawer which get opened after …

android android-fragments android-toolbar navigation-drawer hamburger-menu
Collapsing Toolbar and DrawerLayout

I created a layout with parallax effect which I use in a fragment. < xmlns:…

android android-layout android-toolbar drawerlayout android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
Android BottomNavigationView evenly spaced icons

I have a BottomNavigationView with five items. The default behavior is to only show the label of the selected item …

android android-toolbar bottomnavigationview
Remove large padding after hamburger (menu) icon in Android Toolbar?

Here is a picture of the large padding gap after the menu icon: This occurred after not working on my …

android android-toolbar
Android, DrawerLayout + Fragments + CollapsingToolbarLayout

Is it possible to have a CoordinatorLayout / CollapsingToolbarLayout in the fragments shown in the main container of a DrawerLayout? An …

android navigation-drawer android-toolbar android-support-design coordinator-layout
MenuPopupHelper cannot be used without an anchor

I want add PopupMenu to my MenuItem. Menu.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="http://…

android android-toolbar popupmenu optionmenu