Error: Unable to resolve module `@react-native-community/toolbar-android`

AmerllicA picture AmerllicA · Jul 7, 2020 · Viewed 18k times · Source

Weirdly, the react-native-vector-icons was working well but by using ^ ("^6.6.0") for its version in the package.json file on the new release this error happens.

enter image description here

It's weird because two days ago it works well but now starting of my project ran to this error:

error: Error: Unable to resolve module @react-native-community/toolbar-android from node_modules\react-native-vector-icons\lib\toolbar-android.js: @react-native-community/toolbar-android could not be found within the project.


AmerllicA picture AmerllicA · Jul 7, 2020

After reading this issue and trying many solutions I reach to two solutions:

  • You can delete all node_modules folder and put the version of react-native-vector-icons to "6.6.0" instead of "^6.6.0" and then install all packages again. absolutely, it is better to delete all caches and builds and start everything again. (NOT Recommended)

  • You can install the @react-native-community/toolbar-android by using the below command:

    yarn add @react-native-community/toolbar-android


    npm install --save @react-native-community/toolbar-android

Note: Both of these solutions are temporary and soonly this bug will be fixed and there is no need to install the toolbar-android package.

Prev Update

I update the package to the version "^7.0.0" on my project and still, the issue is remaining, so this solution is currently perseverance.

New Update

this issue is fixed on version "^7.1.0" and there is no need to install the @react-native-community/toolbar-android.