Disable hamburger to back arrow animation on Toolbar

tomrozb picture tomrozb · Nov 25, 2014 · Viewed 19.5k times · Source

It's very easy to implement Toolbar with hamburger to back arrow animation. In my opinion this animation is pointless because as per material design spec navigation drawer covers the Toolbar when opened. My question is how to properly disable this animation and show either hamburger or back arrow using getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);

This is how I did it, but it looks like a dirty hack:


if (showHomeAsUp) {
    mDrawerToggle.setToolbarNavigationClickListener(view -> finish());
} else {
    mDrawerToggle.setToolbarNavigationClickListener(view -> toggleDrawer());

Any clues how this should be properly implemented to use just setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled to switch between hamburger and back arrow icons?


Frank picture Frank · Dec 15, 2014

This will disable the animation, when creating the drawerToggle, override onDrawerSlide():

drawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, drawerLayout,
        getToolbar(), R.string.open, R.string.close) {

    public void onDrawerClosed(View view) {

    public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView) {

    public void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset) {
        super.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, 0); // this disables the animation 

If you want to remove the arrow completely, you can add

 super.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, 0); // this disables the arrow @ completed state

at the end of the onDrawerOpened function.