The App Compat Support Library package contains several libraries that can be included in your application.
I updated my android studio to latest version - 3.0.1. Since then it complains 'Cannot resolve symbol' for Theme and ThemeOverlay …
android build.gradle android-theme android-appcompatI was trying to implement preferences for an AppCompat app, using support.v7.preference. It took me a couple of …
android android-appcompat android-preferences preferencescreen preference-v7Can't build project after adding compile '' Keeps giving the following errors: Seems like, the problem …
android gradle android-appcompat android-support-designI formatted my computer and again imported my android project which has been done using Google Maps API V2 and …
android google-play-services android-appcompat location-clientI am using lottie library for react native. I just installed it using npm and linked it using react native …
android react-native android-support-library android-appcompat lottieAndroid added notch support on API 28, but how to handle it on devices running API 27 (Honor 10, Huawei P20, etc.) ? I …
android android-appcompat android-9.0-pie androidxI want to create a toolbar like the following image as proposed in the material design guidelines: I can achieve …
android material-design android-support-library android-appcompat android-cardviewWhen I enable vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true I get a lot of resourceNotFoundExceptions on KitKat and below devices. I get this …
android android-appcompat android-vectordrawableUsing the new Android 5.0 Toolbar approach, and following the Google IO example, I'm setting a navigation icon and a spinner …
android android-5.0-lollipop android-toolbar android-appcompat android-actionbar-compatI want to support at least api 10, I want to be able to style my preferences nicely, I want to …
android android-support-library android-appcompat android-preferences