Android added notch support on API 28, but how to handle it on devices running API 27 (Honor 10, Huawei P20, etc.) ?
I was trying to use DisplayCutoutCompat
but I was not able to create an instance of it since documentation does not really point out how create one.
How to create the constructor parameter values: Rect safeInsets
, List<Rect> boundingRects
I also looked into the source code of the constructor, which is a bit confusing to me:
public DisplayCutoutCompat(Rect safeInsets, List<Rect> boundingRects) {
this(SDK_INT >= 28 ? new DisplayCutout(safeInsets, boundingRects) : null);
This will always return null on devices running API < 28. Thank you in advance.
Google provided notch related APIs in Android P. Devices with notch and API version lower than P implemented their own notch APIs.You can consult the APIs from device specified documentation.
Also I did not see creation of DisplayCutoutCompat instance in official documentation, but you can create DisplayCutout as follow:
DisplayCutout displayCutout = getWindow().getDecorView().getRootWindowInsets().getDisplayCutout();