Top "Android-9.0-pie" questions

Android 9.0 Pie (API level 28), formerly known as "Android P".

Android design support library for API 28 (P) not working

I've configured android-P SDK environment successfully. When I attempt to use the android design support library I face project build …

android android-studio android-design-library android-9.0-pie
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:failed resolution of :Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion

I'm encountering this error when I use Android Studio to build my app. The APK is compiled, but when I …

android google-maps gradle apache-httpcomponents android-9.0-pie
How to allow all Network connection types HTTP and HTTPS in Android (9) Pie?

From Android 9 Pie now, requests without encryption will never work. And by default, the System will expect you to use …

java android kotlin android-9.0-pie android-network-security-config
Accessing hidden method logcat warnings and Restrictions on non-SDK interfaces

I have read in Android docs about "Restrictions on non-SDK interfaces": These restrictions are applied whenever an app references a …

java android android-9.0-pie
Fullscreen App With DisplayCutout

How do you make an app with an actual fullscreen capabilities, that has the layout to be rendered underneath the …

android android-layout android-9.0-pie
Android 9.0: Not allowed to start service: app is in background.. after onResume()

I've got a music player which attempts to start a Service in onResume() of an Activity. I've removed a few …

android android-service android-9.0-pie
Fragments deprecated in Android P

I was looking at the documentation and found this This class was deprecated in API level P. Why are fragments …

android android-fragments android-9.0-pie
Android P visibilityawareimagebutton.setVisibility can only be called from the same library group

I'm trying to use the new Android P FloatingActionButton that's part of the and …

android kotlin android-9.0-pie android-jetpack
Can not build the project after upgrading to android - P

Below are the errors which I am getting C:\Users\Dell\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\appcompat-v7-28.0.0-alpha1.aar\51cd62…

android gradle build android-9.0-pie
Failed to find Platform SDK with path: platforms;android-P

Error:FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':app'. Failed to find …

java android android-gradle-plugin android-9.0-pie