Top "Android-9.0-pie" questions

Android 9.0 Pie (API level 28), formerly known as "Android P".

Android P displaying API compatibility error message

Running an app built against SDK level 27 on Android P somewhat unpredictably displays the following dialog (the dialog title is …

Is there an API to detect which theme the OS is using - dark or light (or other)?

Background On recent Android versions, ever since Android 8.1, the OS got more and more support for themes. More specifically dark …

android themes android-9.0-pie android-8.1-oreo android-10.0
Android P without TLS: network-security-config: cleartextTrafficPermitted not possible for IP (only domain)

I'm trying to connect to an embedded device with an HTTP-server which works fine on android < P (until I …

android tls1.2 android-9.0-pie
How to handle notch(display cutout) in android API lower than 28?

Android added notch support on API 28, but how to handle it on devices running API 27 (Honor 10, Huawei P20, etc.) ? I …

android android-appcompat android-9.0-pie androidx
Volley Not making request on latest version of Android

I noticed my app wasn't working on Pixel 3. I went into android studio and emulated a few devices and noticed …

java android android-volley android-9.0-pie
Can not find Canvas variables in API Level 28

The following Canvas Variables are not found in Android 28. canvas.saveLayer(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), null, Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG | Canvas.CLIP_…

android canvas android-9.0-pie
Android Pie (9.0) WebView in multi-process

Starting Android Pie (API 28), Google isn't allowing using a single WebView instance in 2 different processes. Documentation:…

android multiprocessing android-service android-9.0-pie
How to solve Android P DownloadManager stopping with "Cleartext HTTP traffic to not permitted"?

I have already defined a custom network security config and included it in my manifest as recommended here res/xml/…

android android-9.0-pie
what is a non-SDK interface

After searching new Android P features, I came across the non-SDK interfaces restriction. and my question is, What is a …

android android-9.0-pie
Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent

Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent This is the latest SDK version I am selected to …

android android-emulator appcelerator-titanium android-9.0-pie