Top "Android-appcompat" questions

The App Compat Support Library package contains several libraries that can be included in your application.

Difference between an AppCompat view and a normal Android view

What is the difference between an AppCompat view component and a standard/default view component? For example, the difference between …

android android-view android-support-library android-appcompat
Crash: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$layout

Some users of my app are experiencing this crash, it appears to possibly be related to Samsung devices. Has anyone …

android crash noclassdeffounderror android-appcompat
Change toolbar back arrow color

Hi. In the picture above you can see a back arrow and a (part of) title. I changed the title …

android material-design android-toolbar android-appcompat android-support-design
How to detect if SearchView is expanded?

I have the menu items like: <item android:id="@+id/action_search" android:title="search" app:actionViewClass="…

android android-actionbar android-appcompat searchview
How to customize the Action Bar subtitle Font?

I have created an ActionBar ( as below. < xmlns:android="…

android android-actionbar-compat android-toolbar android-appcompat
How to style PreferenceFragmentCompat

I'm using a PreferenceFragmentCompat, but I don't think it is styled correctly. Preferences' title seems way to big, PreferenceCategory text …

android android-support-library android-appcompat android-settings
You must pass in a non null View

I recently updated my project to the Android Support Library 23.1 and this part of my code now gives an error. …

android view navigation android-appcompat drawer
Cannot resolve symbol v7 in importing appcompatactivity

I'm new to Android Studio and it was working just fine and I made few apps and they worked pretty …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin android-appcompat appcompatactivity
AppCompat 23.3 Support Vectors no longer work?

I was using the support vector drawables added in Support Library 23.2 along with AppCompat. I was using vector drawables both …

android android-appcompat android-vectordrawable
How to trigger swiperefreshlayout in android?

I want to trigger my SwipeRefreshLayout in the event onCreateView of my MainFragment. What I want to do is start …

android android-studio android-appcompat swiperefreshlayout