Top "Android-appcompat" questions

The App Compat Support Library package contains several libraries that can be included in your application.

Couldn't resolve resource @style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionMode.Inverse

I'm creating an Android app in Android Studio. When I open the layout editor, I see that gray "popup window" …

android rendering android-resources android-appcompat android-actionmode
Actionbar not shown with AppCompat

I am backporting my app to API7 with AppCompat and have a problem with the actionbar. When I use FragmentActivity …

android android-actionbar android-actionbar-compat android-appcompat
Unable to change Appcompat theme from light to holo dark

I am trying to change the theme of my app completely, This is what I modified & tried : styles.xml …

java android android-theme android-appcompat android-actionbaractivity
Toolbar.inflateMenu seems to do nothing

Im currently messing arround with the new AppCompat library bringing material design to older devices. Setting a toolbar as actionbar …

android android-appcompat material-design android-toolbar
How to apply a custom style to SwitchCompat

I would like to apply a custom style to SwitchCompat. Change drawables and text for on and off state. How …

android android-theme android-appcompat switchcompat
AppCompat 23.2 use VectorDrawableCompat with RemoteViews (AppWidget) on API<21

I have an AppWidget and I'd like to use VectorDrawables in it also on pre-Lollipop devices. VectorDrawableCompat won't work with …

android android-support-library android-appcompat remoteview android-vectordrawable
AppCompat v7 Toolbar onOptionsItemSelected not called

I changed from the original ActionBar to the AppCompat Toolbar and setSupportActionBar(toolbar). When I am using getSupportActionBar() and setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(…

android android-actionbar toolbar android-5.0-lollipop android-appcompat
Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list appcompat in android

When I add appcompat project as a library I get these errors: - found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the …

android android-library android-appcompat
How to add into intelliJidea?

I want to add GridLayout into my android project which is use support library GridLayout v7. I found this thread …

android intellij-idea grid-layout android-appcompat
Android - onAttach(Context) not called for API 23

I've updated the SDK to the latest version (API 23) and the onAttach(Activity) method for fragment is deprecated. So instead …

android android-appcompat