The App Compat Support Library package contains several libraries that can be included in your application.
I want to use ripple effects on Buttons. AppCompat v22.1 added AppCompatButton and new functionalities to AppCompat tinting. My Layout: &…
android android-button android-appcompat rippledrawableI need to create a GUI with a ListView and an ActionBar which will hide when scrolling down and when …
android listview android-actionbar android-appcompat android-design-libraryI have an Activity inherited from AppCompactActivity. in manifest for activity set theme: <style name="Theme.custom" parent="Theme.…
android dialog android-appcompatI try to implement auto hiding toolbar feature from the new support library 22.2.0. Without SwipeRefreshLayout is working fine: But when …
android android-appcompat swiperefreshlayout coordinator-layoutI recently uploaded my project to Git, and used a auto-generated Xamarin/Windows/MacOS/VisualStudio .gitignore file. I did a …
xamarin android-support-library android-appcompat xamarin.formsIf I set android:layout_height="56dp", I can see the toolbar in graphical layout. But when I set like …
android android-toolbar android-design-library android-appcompatI am trying to configure the following in my app: Toolbar (Appcompat v7 version) Navigation Drawer Pre-Lollipop Appcompat v7 Material …
android navigation-drawer android-5.0-lollipop android-appcompat android-toolbarConstant USE_FINGERPRINT was deprecated in API level 28 and we should use more generic USE_BIOMETRIC which has been added …
android android-permissions android-appcompat android-9.0-pieI am getting this error: Cannot resolve symbol '@style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlineBox' I am getting this error after …
android xml android-appcompat android-design-library android-textinputlayoutAndroid Support Library 22.1 was released yesterday. Many new features were added into the v4 support library and v7, among which …
android android-appcompat android-recyclerview sortedlist