Top "Android-appcompat" questions

The App Compat Support Library package contains several libraries that can be included in your application.

With API 28 and "androidx.appcompat" library project says "AppCompatActivity" symbol not found

I updated my build and target version to 28 (Pie) and replaced the relevant dependencies. Now my project says Symbol not …

android android-studio gradle android-appcompat androidx
Android appcompat actionbar menu item showAsAction not working

I have a menu item that is showing up on android 4.x but not on 2.x. Here is my menu.…

android menu android-actionbar android-appcompat
If I use new " V7 Appcompat library ", do I still need " V4 Support Library " for a minimum SDK = 7?

I am migrating from Action Bar Sherlock to Action Bar compat. I remove ABS and I had support-v4-google maps …

android android-support-library android-appcompat
Error : Ambiguous method call. Both findViewById (int) in AppCompactActivity and Activity

I am getting the error: "Ambiguous method call" on initializing Toolbar using Android Studio 3.0 RC1. I have extended my Activity …

android android-studio android-studio-3.0 appcompatactivity android-appcompat
What is the use of a ...-v21.xml?

I am developing an app for android version 4.0 and up. I just updated to appcompat 22.2.0 but I am seeing all …

android android-appcompat
Changing Background and text color of AppCompat Light DarkActionBar Theme on android

I have used AppCompat Light DarkActionBar Theme for my App. <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"> &…

android customization android-theme android-appcompat
How to add overflow menu to Toolbar?

I'm trying to use Android ActionBar in my app, and have an option that's hidden away in the overflow menu. …

android android-actionbar android-toolbar android-appcompat
How do I set a different theme for a Spinner's dropdown?

An example usage: The Spinner is dark themed, but I want the dropdown to be light themed.

android android-appcompat
How to style the cursor color of SearchView under AppCompat

My SearchView is and AppTheme is showed below. <style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.…

android android-appcompat android-styles cannot be cast to

I tried to use CardView in my Application which worked pretty good within my xml Layout. Since I want to …

android android-appcompat android-cardview