Top "Windows-vista" questions

Windows Vista is an operating system that was the successor of Windows XP and the predecessor of Windows 7. It is not maintained nor supported anymore.

The Web Server Could Not Find the Requested Resource

I have a .NET 3.5 Web application on VS 2008 SP1 running on Vista Ultimate 32 SP1. I created an Application under the …

visual-studio-2008 debugging iis-7 windows-vista
Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on

I am trying to start another process with Process.Start running under different credentials with the UAC turned on. I …

c# .net windows-vista uac
Executing a Jar on Vista with a double click

This pretty much has me defeated. On XP and earlier versions of Windows you could customise Open With filetypes to …

java windows-vista executable-jar
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM in Windows x86 machine

I've just started using swt (windows x86_x64 compatible version). When I run a sample code snippet in Eclipse, I …

java eclipse swt windows-vista unsatisfiedlinkerror
What's the difference between installing 32bit or 64bit apps on a 64bit Windows?

So apparently, you can install both 32bit and 64bit compiled applications on a 64bit Windows system (Vista or 7). What's the …

windows-7 windows-vista installation 32bit-64bit
Ant + Vista 64 : "Unable to locate tools.jar" (jre/jdk conflict?)

I'm trying to use ant in a vista 64 environment to build some docbook/xml files. However, I can't resolve this …

ant windows-vista java
Programmatically disable/enable network interface

I'm trying to come up with a solution to programmatically enable/disable the network card - I've done a ton …

c++ windows windows-vista windows-xp nic
How to run application with Admin privileges using Manifest file in Visual Studio 2005?

I need to create an application which needs to create files/folders in "C:\Program Files","Users[username]" and Sys32. …

c++ windows-8 windows-vista manifest windows-server
Command line subversion client for Windows Vista 64bits

Does anyone recommend any particular command line SVN client for Windows. Being 64 bits would be a bonus. I do have …

windows svn windows-vista 64-bit
Write in "ProgramData" folder (W7 and Vista) .NET

I install my app under "Program Files" directory. And I install data, under "ProgramData" directory: Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData In programData …

.net uac windows-vista programdata