Top "Programdata" questions

What is the significance of the ProgramData folder in Windows?

What is the importance of the ProgramData folder in Windows? I have noticed that many installed programs store files in …

windows programdata
What is the difference between ProgramData and AppData?

I need to store some user-specific configuration data for my program. Both Application Data/AppData (in the user's directory) and …

windows-7 appdata programdata
Write in "ProgramData" folder (W7 and Vista) .NET

I install my app under "Program Files" directory. And I install data, under "ProgramData" directory: Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData In programData …

.net uac windows-vista programdata
Win32 function to get path to C:\ProgramData

My app needs to install some files that can be edited by the application at run time. Install shield provides …

winapi path programdata
How to get the application specific data folder (ProgramData)?

I need to read and write files that contain application specific data, shared between all the users. I tried to …

c# winforms appdata programdata
Vista and ProgramData

What is the right place to store program data files which are the same for every user but have to …

windows-vista directory shared programdata
File redirection from Program data to AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramData

I am using C# with .net 3.5 I am saving my program data in a file under: C:\Program Data\MyProgramName\…

c# windows filesystems programdata
Create folder inside C:\ProgramData using WIX installer and deploy few configuration files in that folder

i tried with following code, But ProgramData folder is not getting created while installing. My requirement is to install some …

installation wix programdata
Nullsoft installer, howto make ProgramData subfolder writable

ProgramData folder is the best place for storing your application's writeable files shared by all users. But when Nsis installer …

windows-7 windows-vista nsis programdata
Application Data folder in Windows 7

I have Windows 7 64 bit installed on my system. I have a question about "C:\ProgramData\Application Data" folder. It is …

windows-7 backwards-compatibility programdata