Top "Unsatisfiedlinkerror" questions

This Java error is observed when either the library wasn't found or the library exists but couldn't be opened.

Eclipse cannot load SWT libraries

Every time I try to open Eclipse in Ubuntu 12.04 I get an Unsatisfied Link Error and it will not open. …

java eclipse ubuntu unsatisfiedlinkerror
tcnative-1.dll Can't load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform

I'm getting this error when I try to run tomcat: "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files (x86)\apache-tomcat-7.0.34\bin\tcnative-1.…

java tomcat jakarta-ee unsatisfiedlinkerror
Including Native Library in Netbeans

I am trying to read portable devices from java signed applet.... I found a jmtp library on…

java netbeans-7 unsatisfiedlinkerror java.library.path wpd
Unsatisfied Link Error - OpenCV for Android Non-native

A few days ago I asked about an UnsatisfiedLinkError from running non-native OpenCV code. I thought the problem was solved …

android opencv unsatisfiedlinkerror
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM in Windows x86 machine

I've just started using swt (windows x86_x64 compatible version). When I run a sample code snippet in Eclipse, I …

java eclipse swt windows-vista unsatisfiedlinkerror
OpenCV + Java = UnsatisfiedLinkError

I need capture a video stream from my USB webcam, for this i use Opencv 2.4.6 for developing in Java. I …

java opencv video-capture unsatisfiedlinkerror
System.loadLibrary does not work. UnsatisfiedLinkError for the second lib in chain

I have java program Client.class that uses cpp shared library via JNI. is built as …

java java-native-interface loadlibrary unsatisfiedlinkerror java.library.path
Android UnsatisfiedLinkError with OpenCV 2.4.2

just trying to do a simple openCV android program. Downloaded and installed OpenCV for Android following the instructions here and …

android opencv unsatisfiedlinkerror
"Undefined symbols" linker error with simple template class

Been away from C++ for a few years and am getting a linker error from the following code: Gene.h #…

c++ templates unsatisfiedlinkerror
Talend: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no sapjco3 in java.library.path

I have the jar and dll in the Talend lib directory. The path and classpath are set. I also have …

sap talend unsatisfiedlinkerror