Top "Unsatisfiedlinkerror" questions

This Java error is observed when either the library wasn't found or the library exists but couldn't be opened.

Native libraries (.so files) are not added to an android project

I'm trying to use sqlitecipher library which requires using native libraries. Their tutorial is very simple but it doesn't work …

android maven android-studio intellij-idea unsatisfiedlinkerror
UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load cocos2dcpp: findLibrary returned null

We have been getting a lot of crash reports on google play with the following crash log : java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError …

android c++ android-ndk cocos2d-x unsatisfiedlinkerror
dalvik.system.PathClassLoader can't find jni on Intel devices

I'm having an issue where the dalvik.system.PathClassLoader can't find my jni file on Intel devices. I think it …

android gradle dalvik unsatisfiedlinkerror android-x86
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for Boolean

I use ".so" files in my project but it give following error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for Boolean", …

android java-native-interface unsatisfiedlinkerror
Using jni in Android: UNsatisfiedLinkError

I'm new to jni, and I was going over a tutorial to implement a simple native method, but I'm getting …

android java-native-interface header-files unsatisfiedlinkerror
Can't start .jar file (using LWJGL)

Good day! I created jar file (using Netbeans) and i can't start it. This project uses lwjgl libraries. Inside my …

java macos jar lwjgl unsatisfiedlinkerror
UnsatisfiedLinkError Android

We have this app that loads native library, and this library provides native methods for us to call. On some …

android java-native-interface native unsatisfiedlinkerror