Top "Windows-vista" questions

Windows Vista is an operating system that was the successor of Windows XP and the predecessor of Windows 7. It is not maintained nor supported anymore.

Automatic confirmation of deletion in powershell

I'm running the following command: get-childitem C:\temp\ -exclude *.svn-base,".svn" -recurse | foreach ($_) {remove-item $_.fullname} Which prompts me very frequently …

scripting powershell windows-vista automation
Request UAC elevation from within a Python script?

I want my Python script to copy files on Vista. When I run it from a normal cmd.exe window, …

python windows windows-vista uac
Command/Powershell script to reset a network adapter

OS: Vista enterprise When i switch between my home and office network, i always face issues with getting connected to …

powershell networking windows-vista
Node.Js on windows - How to clear console

Being totally new into node.js environment and philosophy i would like answers to few questions. I had downloaded the …

windows node.js console windows-vista
How do I disable the 'Debug / Close Application' dialog on Windows Vista?

When an application crashes on Windows and a debugger such as Visual Studio is installed the following modal dialog appears: […

windows testing windows-vista crash-reports windows-error-reporting
"Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed." - Windows Vista Business and SMTP

Unable to test sending email from .NET code in Windows Vista Business. I am writing code which I will migrate …

c# .net windows-vista ssis
How to request administrator permissions when the program starts?

I need my software to be able to run as administrator on Windows Vista (if someone runs it without administrative …

c# windows windows-7 windows-vista
windows batch files: setting variable in for loop

I have a number of files with the same naming scheme. As a sample, four files are called "num_001_001.txt", "…

batch-file windows-vista
How to elevate privileges only when required?

This question applies to Windows Vista! I have an application which normally works without administrative privileges. There is one activity …

c# .net windows-vista uac privileges
Active Directory - Check username / password

I'm using the following code on Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 to query our active directory server to check the user …

c# windows-vista active-directory ldap