Top "Windows-vista" questions

Windows Vista is an operating system that was the successor of Windows XP and the predecessor of Windows 7. It is not maintained nor supported anymore.

OS.symlink support in windows

I downloaded python 2.7.1 from the python website and installed it to windows. When attempting to symlink a file, I find …

windows-vista python-2.7
programmatically run cmd.exe as administrator in vista, C#

I have a visual studio setup and deployment project. I've added a .cmd script in it. The script would need …

c# windows-vista process cmd administrator
(Save Dialog) How to change file extension automatically on file filter change in Vista/Win7?

While showing a save dialog, I want to hook user's filter type change and change file extension automatically. (e.g. …

delphi windows-7 windows-vista savefiledialog save-as
How to check if OS is Vista in Python?

How, in the simplest possible way, distinguish between Windows XP and Windows Vista, using Python and pywin32 or wxPython? Essentially, …

python windows windows-vista wxpython pywin32
Windows 7 and Vista UAC - Programmatically requesting elevation in C#

I have a program that only requires elevation to Admin on very rare occasions so I do not want to …

c# windows-7 windows-vista uac
SQL Server 2008 SSMS won't remember password

SQL Server 2008 doesn't remember password inspite of checking the "Remember Password" checkbox. I was suspecting a reboot would solve the …

sql-server sql-server-2008 windows-vista
Request admin privileges for Java app on Windows Vista

When I try to create a new task in the task scheduler via the Java ProcessBuilder class I get an …

java windows-vista scheduler access-denied
How can I programmatically refresh Windows Explorer?

I have a Windows shell extension that uses IShellIconOverlayIdentifier interface to display overlay icons on files and folders. My extension …

windows winapi windows-vista explorer windows-explorer
findstr or grep that autodetects chararacter encoding (UTF-16)

I want to do this: findstr /s /c:some-symbol * or the grep equivalent grep -R some-symbol * but I need the …

unicode windows-xp windows-vista utf-16 findstr
How to find out who's causing an access violation error?

I'm getting reports that my app is causing a GPF on some Vista machines. The error message is something like …

delphi vb6 windows-vista crash access-violation