Top "Windows-vista" questions

Windows Vista is an operating system that was the successor of Windows XP and the predecessor of Windows 7. It is not maintained nor supported anymore.

Windows XP vs Vista: NTFS Junction points

Problem: I relied heavily on NTFS Junction points in Windows XP, even though they apparently were not an "official" feature …

windows-vista windows-xp ntfs symlink
Rails on Windows is so slow (rails -v takes 4 seconds)

I'm using rails Version 3.0.3 and ruby Version 1.9.2p136 (2010-12-15) on a Intel Core 2 Duo 2,6 Ghz with 4 GB Ram and …

ruby-on-rails ruby windows windows-vista
Troubleshooting DPI Virtualization and DPI-aware applications, in Windows Vista and Windows 7

I have a problem where an application (written in Delphi) is behaving properly at default 96 DPI settings on all systems, …

delphi windows-7 windows-vista dpi highdpi
How can I detect if my process is running UAC-elevated or not?

My Vista application needs to know whether the user has launched it "as administrator" (elevated) or as a standard user (…

windows-7 windows-vista uac elevation
How to run NOT elevated in Vista (.NET)

I have an application that I have to run as Administrator. One small part of that application is to start …

.net windows-vista uac elevation
Where is the best place to save temporary files in Windows

I am busy writing an application that runs under windows Where is the correct place to save temporary files ?

windows windows-vista
Vista and ProgramData

What is the right place to store program data files which are the same for every user but have to …

windows-vista directory shared programdata
Which format and size of icons to use for NotifyIcon

i couldn't find any information regarding system tray icons, what size should they be in to get the best possible …

winforms windows-7 windows-vista notifyicon
What is the difference between the new TFileOpenDialog and the old TOpenDialog?

What is the difference between the new TFileOpenDialog and the old TOpenDialog? In my computer (Win 7/DXE), when I run …

delphi windows-7 windows-vista fileopendialog opendialog
Detecting Keyboard Hooks

Is there a way to detect which programs or modules are listening to a keyboard hook? By Sysinternals maybe?

windows security windows-vista keyboard hook