Top "Ntfs" questions

NTFS (New Technology File System) is the primary file system used by Windows.

Maximum filename length in NTFS (Windows XP and Windows Vista)?

I'm designing a database table which will hold filenames of uploaded files. What is the maximum length of a filename …

windows-vista windows-xp ntfs filenames name-length
How can I view the allocation unit size of a NTFS partition in Vista?

Which built in (if any) tool can I use to determine the allocation unit size of a certain NTFS partition ?

windows-vista ntfs
NTFS performance and large volumes of files and directories

How does Windows with NTFS perform with large volumes of files and directories? Is there any guidance around limits of …

windows performance filesystems ntfs
How do I force Robocopy to overwrite files?

In general, Robocopy ignores files for which lastwrittendate and filesize are the same. How can we escape this design? I'd …

windows powershell ntfs robocopy
What is the difference between NTFS Junction Points and Symbolic Links?

At a high level, the only obvious difference between NTFS Junction Points and Symbolic Links is that Junctions are only …

windows symlink ntfs
PowerShell Setting advanced NTFS permissions

I'm trying to apply NTFS permissions that are defined in the 'Advanced' tab of the Windows security settings. One ACL $…

powershell permissions ntfs
How to list all symbolic links on an NTFS filesystem

since Windows Vista there is an new Win32-API call CreateSymbolicLink to create a symbolic link on the NTFS filesystem. …

winapi windows-7 windows-vista ntfs symlink
What encoding are filenames in NTFS stored as?

I'm just getting started on some programming to handle filenames with non-english names on a WinXP system. I've done some …

windows unicode ntfs
Removing all ACL on folder with powershell

I'm pretty new to powershell scripting (nearly 1 month since I started learning powershell.) I'm currently working on a script with …

windows powershell acl windows-server-2008-r2 ntfs
Move folder between drives on NTFS and preserve timestamps

Sorry, I know this sounds like a newbie question. But seriously, I'm an experienced developer, and I understand that Windows 7 …

timestamp directory move ads ntfs