Top "Access-violation" questions

An access violation (also known as segmentation fault) is generally an attempt to access memory that the CPU cannot physically address.

Attempted to read or write protected memory

I've started seeing an AccessViolationException being thrown in my application a several different spots. It never occured on my development …

c# .net access-violation servicepacks
Exception Error c0000005 in VC++

Am working on VC++ Console Application. This application sends a file from Appdata\Roaming folder for a period of time. …

c++ visual-c++ exception crash access-violation
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000

I'm having a very strange issue with a space invaders game I'm working on. Basically I get an access violation …

c++ access-violation
How to solve access violation writing location error?

I have a simple program and I get access violation at *(str + start). Why? I should be able to change …

memory-management access-violation
Debugging Access Violation errors?

What tips can you share to help locate and fix access violations when writing applications in Delphi? I believe access …

delphi access-violation
Access violation writing location 0xcccccccc

For the past 2 days I've been stuck on a violation which I can't seem to get to go away. I've …

c++ access-violation
C++: Access violation writing location

Using: MSVS2012 Code elemalg.h #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> class ElemAlg { private: …

c++ access-violation unhandled-exception
0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000000

I'm writing an MFC project that try to call a function in the DLL which will return some information in …

c++ mfc access-violation loadlibrary getprocaddress
Finding the cause of System.AccessViolationException

Our application experiences the odd fatal System.AccessViolationException. We see these as we've configured the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException event to …

c# .net exception access-violation
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt

I really do not understand how is this error happening at this code. Please check the code yourself void dispatcherTimer_…

c# wpf access-violation unhandled-exception memory-corruption