Top "Save-as" questions

This tag refers to a common UI prompt type that asks a user under what name they wish to save a file as.

How to save as a new file and keep working on the original one in Vim?

Whenever I use the :sav command, it saves the file with a new name and opens the new file open …

vim save save-as
Is there any way to specify a suggested filename when using data: URI?

If for example you follow the link: data:application/octet-stream;base64,SGVsbG8= The browser will prompt you to download a …

javascript html url data-uri save-as
Getting "method saveas of object _workbook failed" error while trying to save an XLSM as CSV

I'm trying to save a macro-enabled Excel workbook as a csv file, overwriting the old one (below I had to …

excel vba csv runtime-error save-as
How can I output a report in PDF format, where the name consists of values from fields?

I want to add functionality to my Access 2007 report whereby a PDF copy of the report is created at the …

vba ms-access report save-as
Save Excel range as pdf

I'd like to 'save as' a specific sheet or specific range to pdf. I tried implementing a range into my …

excel vba pdf save-as
How to save as xlsx file?

My SaveFile sub saves the file but when I try to open it again Excel doesn't recognize it as an …

excel vba save-as
PDF Handler : content-disposition filename

I am outputting a PDF file in a Web browser (IE8) HttpContext.Response.writefile(fileName) and it works great. When …

handler filenames ashx content-disposition save-as
Open excel 2007 excel files and save as 97-2003 formats in VBA

I have a weird situation where I have a set of excel files, all having the extension .xls., in a …

excel vba save-as
HTML: how to create a "save as" button?

In your browser, when you want to save an HTML page that you are currently viewing, you normally go to …

javascript html button save-as
How can I save a Visual Studio project with different name (like save as)?

In Visual Studio, I usually call my start project as project V 1_0. Going forward with the project, adding parts, i …

visual-studio save-as