Top "Windows-ce" questions

Microsoft Windows CE (now officially known as Windows Embedded Compact and previously also known as Windows Embedded CE, and sometimes abbreviated WinCE) is an operating system developed by Microsoft for embedded systems.

Why do I get the error "Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe"?

Why do I get the following error? Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe"? I work in C# …

c# visual-studio-2008 windows-ce unsafe
What is the simplest way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file in .NET 1.1?

I have to use StringBuilder instead of a List of strings because of being stuck with .NET 1.1 for this project. …

c# .net file-io windows-ce stringbuilder
Windows Mobile Device center stops working after Windows 10 1703 upgrade

i just installed new Windows 10 version (1703) and now i'm not able to connect any Windows CE device because Windows Mobile …

windows-10 windows-ce
What could be causing a System.TypeLoadException?

I'm developing, with VS2008 using C#, an application for Honeywell Dolphin 6100, a mobile computer with a barcode scanner that uses …

c# visual-studio ssh windows-ce smart-device
Serial Port ReadLine vs ReadExisting or how to read the data from serial port properly

I am reading data from serial port. The data comes off the scale. I am now using Readline() and getting …

c# compact-framework serial-port windows-ce
Remote Control WinCE 6.0 device from Windows 7

I am trying to find out a tool to remote control a Motorola MC3190 device running Windows CE 6.0 from a …

windows-ce remote-desktop vnc-server
How can I view/edit my registry settings on a Windows CE 6 device?

In his second comment here, PaulH suggests changing registry settings, providing this link. I'm not sure editing the registry is …

usb windows-ce activesync regedit rndis
How to create applications for Windows CE

I'm new to the CE environment and I was wanting to create applications for a computer(Intel) running on CE(5 …

J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE

I have very little idea about mobile platforms, though I am interested to program for them. Would you please compare …

iphone android java-me windows-ce symbian
Registry Editing: How to calculate DWord Hex Values

I'm trying to make some registry edits and I'm not sure I understand how specific dword values are calculated. Here …

registry hex windows-ce dword