Top "Vnc-server" questions

vnc-server is used to remotely access a machine from another machine where vnc-client will be running

VNC black screen with a X cursor on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)

Starting VNC server using vncserver :1, client can connect to the server but it shows only a black screen with a …

vnc vnc-server
Remote Control WinCE 6.0 device from Windows 7

I am trying to find out a tool to remote control a Motorola MC3190 device running Windows CE 6.0 from a …

windows-ce remote-desktop vnc-server
Error in tightVNC viewer no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I am using TightVNC viewer from Window7 to connect the Ubuntu machine. I got the error "Error in tightVNC viewer …

vnc vnc-server vnc-viewer
Key mappings in RealVNC client

I am using RealVNC viewer on Windows. I sometimes find it very difficult to shift from VNC to Windows. I …

vnc vnc-viewer vnc-server
How to properly configure xstartup file for TightVNC with Ubuntu VPS GNOME environment

I'd like to access my Ubuntu 16.10 VPS (Contabo) with using a GNOME environment with VNC, however I am still facing …

x11 ubuntu-16.04 gnome xlib vnc-server
Is it possible to find out if a VNC connection is active

My application is running on windows XP, a VNC server is also running on the PC. I'd like to find …

c++ .net vnc-server
Show Screen Of Android 4.0 Device On Computer

I'll have to do a presentation soon, for this, I need to show the the application too 10 people at the …

android screen-capture vnc vnc-server
Raspberry Pi VNC fail connection

I face a problem that I can ping to correct IP address, it have no loss. And also I use …

raspberry-pi raspberry-pi3 vnc vnc-server vnc-viewer
while using tightvnc the host computer resolution cannot be changed

So when I connect my computer through vnc, the host computer displays the resolution of 640x480. Going to screen resolution, …

vnc vnc-server vnc-viewer