What is the simplest way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file in .NET 1.1?

B. Clay Shannon picture B. Clay Shannon · Mar 16, 2013 · Viewed 113.1k times · Source

I have to use StringBuilder instead of a List of strings because of being stuck with .NET 1.1 for this project.

I want to write a series of debug messages I've written to a file to study at my leisure, as there is too much to see on the screen (the MessageBox doesn't have scrollbars). Some of the easy ways to write a file don't seem to be available in .NET 1.1. I also don't have access to Environment.Newline to cleanly separate the lines I append (AppendLine is not available in this archaic version of StringBuilder, either).

What is the easiest way in .NET 1.1 (C#) to write out the contents of the StringBuilder to a file? There is no "C" drive on the handheld device, so I reckon I will have to write it to "\hereIAm.txt" or something.


dscarr picture dscarr · Jun 27, 2014

I know this is an old post and that it wants an answer for .NET 1.1 but there's already a very good answer for that. I thought it would be good to have an answer for those people who land on this post that may have a more recent version of the .Net framework, such as myself when I went looking for an answer to the same question.

In those cases there is an even simpler way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file. It can be done with one line of code. It may not be the most efficient but that wasn't really the question now was it.
