What could be causing a System.TypeLoadException?

J.M.J picture J.M.J · Apr 18, 2013 · Viewed 69.3k times · Source

I'm developing, with VS2008 using C#, an application for Honeywell Dolphin 6100, a mobile computer with a barcode scanner that uses Windows CE 5.0 like OS.

I want to add a functionality that can send files from the local device to the distant server. I found the library "Tamir.SharpSSH" which can guarantee this. I tested the code on a console application and on normal windows forms application and it works perfectly. But when I tried to use the same code on the winCE device, I get a TypeLoadException and I have the error message:

Could not load type 'Tamir.SharpSsh.SshTransferProtocolBase' from assembly 'Tamir.SharpSSH,   
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

the code that I'm use is like below :

SshTransferProtocolBase sshCp = new Scp(Tools.GlobalVarMeth.hostName, Tools.GlobalVarMeth.serverUserName);
sshCp.Password = Tools.GlobalVarMeth.serverUserpassword;

string localFile = Tools.GlobalVarMeth.applicationPath + "/" + fileName + ".csv";
string remoteFile = Tools.GlobalVarMeth.serverRemoteFilePath + "/" + fileName + ".csv";

sshCp.Put(localFile, remoteFile);

Any one have any idea on this ? I will be really grateful !!!


Eric Lippert picture Eric Lippert · Apr 18, 2013

It could be any number of things. Likely causes are:

  • The assembly cannot be found
  • An assembly that your assembly depends upon cannot be found
  • The assembly is found but the type isn't in it
  • The type's static constructor throws an exception

Your best bet is to use the Fusion log viewer to help diagnose it. Documentation is here:


(FYI "Fusion" was the code name of the team that designed the assembly loading system; it is somewhat unfortunate that the code name ended up in the file name of the shipped product. The thing should have been called "AssemblyBindingLogViewer.exe" or some such thing.)