Top "Uiimageview" questions

An image view object provides a view-based container for displaying either a single image or for animating a series of images in iOS.

Move and animate UIImageView using swift

I have what should be a fairly simple question here. Basically I'm trying to move an object (a UIImageView) from …

uiimageview swift ios8 quartz-core
How to add GIF images to Assets folder and load them in UIImageView programmatically

I am trying to put my @2x and @3x GIF images into the Assets folder in Xcode. I have tried …

ios uiimageview animated-gif xcasset swift2.3
how to spin an image continuously

I have an wheel image in .png format, I want to know how can i animate so that it rotates …

objective-c ios uiimageview caanimation
UIImageView, setClipsToBounds and how my images are losing their head

I'm developing an iOS 4 application. I'm using this code on an UIImageView on an UITableViewCell: = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill; [cell.…

ios uiimageview scaling
iOS UIImageView scaling image down produces aliased image on iPad 2

I am using UIImageView to display thumbnails of images that can then be selected to be viewed at full size. …

objective-c ios ipad uiimageview
Xcode: SDWebImage clear cache for single image

I'm using SDWebImage to asynchronous image downloader with cache support. It's working perfectly except that sometimes the image got updated …

xcode4 uiimageview sdwebimage
Masking an image in Swift using CALayer and UIImage

I'm programming in Swift. I want to mask an image using CALayer and UIImage. I'm creating my mask image programmatically. …

swift uiimageview uiimage calayer masking
How to add a circular mask to a UIImageview and change the frame and centers while doing so?

I would like to add a circular mask to UIImageVIew. Here is the function that am using to add the …

ios uiimageview calayer uiviewanimation cashapelayer
AFNetworking setImageWithURLRequest not setting remote image

I'm using AFNetworking's UIImageView+AFNetworking.h to asynchronously load an online image onto a UIImageView. The remote image loads very …

ios uiimageview afnetworking
ios - SizeToFit on UIImageView not working

I have a UIImageView which loads in images from the documents directory on the ios file system . The problem is …

ios uiimageview sizetofit