Top "Uiimageview" questions

An image view object provides a view-based container for displaying either a single image or for animating a series of images in iOS.

Increase/decrease brightness of image using UISlider?

I am building an iOS app which is based on image operations. I want to increase and decrease brightness of …

ios swift image-processing uiimageview uislider
Setting gradient background color to LaunchScreen which will display a logo image at center

I have a requirement to set a Gradient background to the launch screen with a UIImageView in the center which …

ios uiimageview splash-screen launch-screen
clipsToBounds causes UIImage to not display in iOS10 & XCode 8

I switched my project over to new beta versions of iOS 10 and XCode 8. In all three areas of my app …

ios uiimageview uiimage ios10 xcode8
Detect touches only on non-transparent pixels of UIImageView, efficiently

How would you detect touches only on non-transparent pixels of a UIImageView, efficiently? Consider an image like the one below, …

iphone ios image-processing uiimageview hittest
A simple way to put a UIImage in a UIButton

I have a UIButton in my iPhone app. I set its size to 100x100. I have an image that is 400…

iphone image uiimageview uibutton aspect-ratio
How to detect touch on UIImageView inside UIScrollview?

I have a UIScrollview in my app and I populate it with LOTS of UIImageViews approx 900. They are all very …

iphone objective-c uiscrollview uiimageview touchesbegan
Receive tap gestures only on part of a view

I have a UIImageView in a view controller. Is it possible to make certain areas of the image view tappable? …

ios map uiimageview uitapgesturerecognizer
UIImageView with stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth doesn't stretch image

I'm trying to stretch an Image in a UIImageView - but I fail miserably :) Following setup: NIB-File with a view …

iphone uiimageview stretch
UIImageview won't center in superview

I have an UIImageView which I add to a UIView to enhance the area where touches are recognized. When I …

ios uiimageview center subview
UIImageView Background Image and Rotation Help

In my iPad app I currently have a background image png of 1024x1024 pixels and set it using the following …

iphone objective-c ios uiimageview uiinterfaceorientation