Top "Launch-screen" questions

UIImageView missing images in Launch Screen on device

I have an app that supports iOS8 and later, built in Xcode 7 and I am using a XIB for a …

ios objective-c uiimageview uiimage launch-screen
Launch Screen Storyboard with centered image iOS

1 - I want to use a LaunchScreen.storyboard in my app 2 - In this launch screen I need to insert …

ios xcode storyboard launch-screen
iOS: how to delay the launch screen?

When launch an app, the LaunchScreen.xib is removed as soon as all the assets are initialized. I want to …

ios launch-screen
iOS Xcode LaunchScreen Storyboard not displaying

I'm trying to use Xcode's LaunchScreen storyboard as my launch screen? All the questions that have previously been asked about …

ios xcode storyboard launch-screen
What is the difference between launchscreen.storyboard and main.storyboard

I googled the two word together but could not find anything. I have never used it. Is there any necessity …

ios xcode-storyboard launch-screen
Custom animation in Launch Screen

I have created a new project in Xcode 7 using Swift. I noticed that the launch screen is stored in the …

ios xcode launch-screen
How to set linear gradient to background of LaunchScreen.xib in iOS

Is there any way to set linear gradient to background of LaunchScreen.xib in iOS? Something like background="linear-gradient(#000000, #123456)"? <…

ios background xib linear-gradients launch-screen
Launch Screen not working on iOS 14 with Xcode 12

I am very frustrated now. I upgraded Xcode to version 12 and tested my app on iOS 14. Now the problem is, …

ios xcode launch-screen
How to display launch image

I'm a very new to iOS. My Xcode version is 7.2.1 and I'm trying to run on iOS9 using Swift. My …

ios swift xcode-storyboard launch-screen
xcode 6 - change default launch screen display time

In a new Xcode 6 project, a default LaunchScreen.xib file is created that is displayed for a brief time when …

xcode xcode6 delay splash-screen launch-screen