Top "Launch-screen" questions

Internal error. Please file a bug at and attach

Getting this errors when i build the application Main.storybord: Internal error. Please file a bug at …

ios objective-c xcode storyboard launch-screen
Setting gradient background color to LaunchScreen which will display a logo image at center

I have a requirement to set a Gradient background to the launch screen with a UIImageView in the center which …

ios uiimageview splash-screen launch-screen
Black iOS launch screen instead of white

I have an issue with changing background color of launch screen on iOS. When I open the app for the …

ios launch-screen
how to remove(or not use) launch screen storyboard in xcode with swift

i make some app. the app does not using storyboard. only prommatically. also i want to not using launch screen. …

ios swift launch-screen
Xcode | Why use a launch screen file over launch images source?

As far as I can tell these are two similar ways to do the same thing. If a launch screen …

ios ios8 launch-screen
launch screen xib not displaying imageview correctly

I'm using a launch screen xib and I can't get the image within the UIImageView to appear. Currently, I have …

ios autolayout size-classes launch-screen
Show version of app in launch screen with Swift

Scenario I want to show the version of my iOS 9 app made with Swift. What I did I know how …

ios swift uiviewcontroller launch-screen
iOS: Update launch screen dynamically

I've designed a launch screen using story board. It's supposed to have 3 images. 2 of these are static, where as, i …

ios iphone uiimageview xcasset launch-screen
Positioning and scaling launch screen image

The image I want to use for my launch screen is tall and narrow. Most of the important content of …

ios uiimageview autolayout interface-builder launch-screen