Top "Size-classes" questions

Size-class is an iOS system to allow for customizing layout, for different devices (phone versus pad, small versus large), while maintaining only the one storyboard.

iOS- Detect current size classes on viewDidLoad

I'm working with adaptive Layout on iOS 8 and I want to get exactly what the size classes are on viewDidLoad. …

ios size-classes
Sizing class for iPad portrait and Landscape Modes

I basically want to have my subviews positioned differently depending upon the orientation of the iPad (Portrait or Landscape) using …

objective-c ios8 size-classes adaptive-ui
Programmatically implementing two different layouts using size classes

I have a four buttons layout. In portrait they should be shown one above the other. In landscape they should …

ios8 autolayout size-classes
UIScrollView in Storyboard not working with iOS 8 Size Classes and Autolayout

So I'm trying to create a UIScrollView only in storyboard that allows me to add scrolling labels for more than …

ios uiscrollview ios8 autolayout size-classes
Custom Font Sizing in Xcode 6 Size Classes not working properly with Custom Fonts

Xcode 6 has a new feature where fonts and font sizes in UILabel, UITextField, and UIButton can be set automatically based …

ios interface-builder ios8 xcode6 size-classes
iPad Landscape and Portrait different layouts with Size Class

How to design iPad Landscape and Portrait screens with different Layouts using Size class. I could find only w-regular and …

ios iphone ipad uiinterfaceorientation size-classes
iOS Different Font Sizes within Single Size Class for Different Devices

In iOS 8, we can design a different UI layout for each size class. The issue I'm facing is, I've designed …

ios autolayout font-size size-classes
Size class specifically for portrait 3.5 inch (iPhone 4S) Xcode 6?

I'm tuning my UI App, but I got an issue that I can't solve. As I can see Compact height …

ios iphone xcode autolayout size-classes
Use Size Classes in Xcode 6 beta

Built a new project from scratch in Swift in Xcode 6 (Beta 1) and see File Inspector of Storyboard. There is Use …

objective-c swift ios8 xcode6 size-classes
iOS 8 size classes for iPad landscape

It seems all the current iOS devices maps to the new iOS 8 size classes nicely except iPad landscape? I seem …

ios ipad storyboard ios8 size-classes