Custom animation in Launch Screen

chipbk10 picture chipbk10 · Oct 2, 2015 · Viewed 15.5k times · Source

I have created a new project in Xcode 7 using Swift. I noticed that the launch screen is stored in the storyboard file.

So I think if it could be customised by referring it to my CustomLauchScreenViewController. However, when I set the custom class name in LaunchScreen.storyboard, it throws an error:

Launch screens may not set custom classnames

So what is the best way to customize the LaunchScreen? I intend to use the LaunchScreen to load some data before launching the main screen.


Robert J. Clegg picture Robert J. Clegg · Oct 2, 2015

That's not the purpose of the launch screen. What you can do however if have your first initial viewController 'act' as a launch screen. Just have it display the same image as the launch image and do what you need to do in there. Once you are done, move to your main viewController from there.