An image view object provides a view-based container for displaying either a single image or for animating a series of images in iOS.
I know that this is a very commonly asked question, but all of the answers on every website don't work! …
ios iphone uiimageview uitouch touchesbeganI'm trying to animate a custom button using CGAffineTransformMakeScale as follows: if (stateButton == 0) { //The button is gonna appear self.selected = …
ios uiimageview cgaffinetransform cgaffinetransformscaleUPDATE: Reference #19285042 and submit bug reports to apple Very weird error and not finding anything online. Its saying "BSXPCMessage received …
ios objective-c xcode uiimageview xcode6I am trying to add a sublayer on my UIImageView but it doesn't work. I have a set of 10 images …
ios uiimageview swift3 uicolor cagradientlayerI have a scroll view, which has an image view with an image as a subview, and the image view …
ios objective-c cocoa-touch uiimageview uibuttonI have my UIImageView and I put an image into it that I resize like this: UIImageView *attachmentImageNew = [[UIImageView alloc] …
iphone ios objective-c cocoa-touch uiimageviewI have a UIImageView which is moveable via a pan gesture. UIPanGestureRecognizer *pan = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handlePan:)]; […
ios ios6 uiimageview orientation uipangesturerecognizerI got app which can add photo from camera or gallery. After adding each photo showes in UIImageView. But they …
objective-c ios uiimageview uiimage aspect-ratioI modify the UIImageView's contentMode property. So my image's frame is not equal to the frame of UIImageView. My problem …
iphone uiimageviewI'm using SDWebImage for showing images inside cells. But it is perfect mached to frame of UImageView that I'm doing …
ios uiimageview uiimage nsurl sdwebimage